Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pirate Girl 101

It occurred to me while visiting other blogs, that since starting this blog, I just jumped right in and started talking (yep, I do that) without any kind of introduction. So, ahoy this is Pirate Girl 101.
My name is Merinda Nunez Powell. I have been married to Todd for 21 years and we have 4 kids. 
Michael (currently deployed to Afghanistan) married to Michele, 3 kids, 1 grand, and 1 on the way.
Amanda (takes care of Todd's mom)
Jack (sophomore in college in Tallahassee)
Bridget (middle schooler).
We (our moms and almost all of our extended families) live in the beautiful, small town of Fernandina Beach, Florida. It is on Amelia Island, right on the Atlantic Ocean. Our town has a very rich history, it has been under 8 flags, named after Princess Amelia, and inhabited by pirates (that's where the pirates come in).
Our mascot (for our 1 high school and 1 middle school) is a pirate, so everyone here grew up wanting to be a pirate. Me included. When I started teaching in the school where I attended K-2, I knew that we would be Mrs. Powell's Pirates. So that's who we are. 
I have been teaching for 20 years (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade). I am currently back in 2nd grade and I had forgotten (8 years in 1st) how much I LOVE 2nd grade. Since it has been so long since teaching 2nd grade, it feels like starting over. So I am here sharing some things that I have been making for our classroom.
I also feel called by God to write Biblical units that can be used in classrooms around the world. Even though I cannot use them in my own classroom, I know that there is nothing more important than spreading His love and His word.  If you are still reading this, I applaud you and I really hope that you will consider becoming a blog follower, visit often and find many things that are useful to you and your kids. Godspeed!


  1. Hi Merinda~ I really enjoyed learning more about you and your beautiful family! My parents just left PA today to spend the winter in St. Augustine, FL. I so wish I could have gone with them! Happy New Year! Lauren Teacher Mom of 3

  2. Lauren,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! I love St. Augustine too. It's only an hour and a half away. Maybe you will make it soon:) Happy New Year! Merinda

  3. Great site! I miss being at school with you!

  4. Thank you! Miss you too, we have to get busy on some lesson plans this week:)

  5. I've always wondered where the "Pirate Girl" name came from. Thanks for sharing! Your site looks awesome!

    Martha from Primary Paradise

  6. Martha, thank you so much! I'm loving your new site as well. Glad we finally did this:)
