Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bulletin Board Ideas

Are you like me? Constantly on the hunt for the next great bulletin board idea? Sometimes ideas just pop out at me when I start a new theme, but other times I spend the entire month trying to think of a bulletin board idea and before you know it, the month is over and the hallway is still blank!! Well, I have a couple to share and also a request.......
This is the board I put up at the beginning of every year.
"Meet Mrs. Powell"
The pictures and the layout vary from year to year but the idea remains the same. I put things about me that I think kids are wondering about.....
"Does she live at the school?
Does she ride the bus home?
Does she really buy groceries at Publix??!!"
For the last several years I have included a picture of me when I was in the grade I am currently teaching. My Mama is the best at buying, taking, and saving pictures and she still had all of my school pictures. The framed picture at the top is me when I was in 2nd grade along with my 2nd grade class picture (so old it's in black and white LOL). They always think this is the COOLEST because I went to school K-2 in the same school where I am teaching now. Very little has changed about the building so they instantly recognize it!
I also include pictures of my husband, kids, parents, former students (many that they also recognize) and the gold sheet pictured is random facts about me (favorite TV show, favorite game, snack, etc). This board is usually their favorite.
Another board I put up every year is our "Secret Stories" board.
Our school uses Saxon Phonics and many of us add in Secret Stories. Since we are Pirates, I added  a Captain Hook and titled the board "Hooked on Phonics." Many of my students have no idea what Hooked on Phonics is, but it makes me smile when I look at it. 
There they are, my 2 ideas for the moment and now for the request. I would love to know about your favorite bulletin boards. I'm starting a thread on my FACEBOOK page for bulletin board ideas.  Please head over and either tell us about your favorite boards or post a picture/link/even a bulletin board product that you are selling. We would LOVE to hear about them. 

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