Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Miracle for Miracle

Have you ever worried when your kids were sick? 
Either your own kids or your "kids"?
I know I have. When our youngest was little she was sick all of the time. She was tested and retested and our worry list was off the charts. She is fine now (we believe healed). But what if your child was not fine? What if your news was not good? My answer would be, "I'm holding on to God and while I'm waiting to see what HE is going to do, show me what I can do."

I want to introduce you to a little girl named Miracle.
Miracle is a precious little first grade girl who has had to fight a lot in her young life and has recently found out that her fight will continue. 
Miracle has just been diagnosed with Leukemia (added to her Cerebral Palsy).  She attends school where my friend Samantha teaches. While we are waiting to see what God is going to do, Samantha has put together something that we can do. On her blog, Ms. Smarty Pants, she has organized some GREAT donations that value at $110 and she is giving them away with your $25 donation. Miracle and her family are in need of our assistance. Please click Miracle's picture above and go to Ms. Smarty Pants' blog and read all about it. You will be able to view all of the products that you will receive and will have an opportunity to help out. 
I know her family will appreciate whatever you can give and your prayers as well.

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