Saturday, March 2, 2013

March CURRENTLY & a Reminder!

Don't you LOVE Saturday mornings?
I am just now having my first cup of coffee,
 enjoying the peace and quiet of my house (everyone else is still asleep),
and WANTING chocolate donuts (dieting:(!!!).
I haven't started on all the things that I "need" to be doing, but I'll get to it eventually.....
Before I do, I am linking up with Farley to share my March CURRENTLY with you.
LOVE: I like MUSIC, almost all kinds of music. I always listen to Christian Contemporary Music, but I can and will listen to most anything. I also love for my music to be LOUD. I think it is hilarious that my (almost) teenage daughter will get in the car with me and ask me to turn the music down LOL!

LOVE: MORNINGS! I know, I know...not the popular vote. But I LOVE getting up early when the house is quiet and enjoying a cup of coffee. 

HATE: MATH! I guess hate is strong word, but I really do not like it because I have a hard time understanding it. Please don't tell the parents of the kids in my class! Math is one of the main reasons I stalk blogs, trying to find some really great way for me to understand and then teach it to my kids:)

Well, there is my CURRENTLY now you go hook up and do yours 
(especially if you have some great math ideas that this pirate can come steal).

One more thing.......


  1. I am wanting a donut too! That is funny. Enjoy your mornings. Found you through the linky.

  2. Thanks Merinda! Now I'M wanting a chocolate donut also and I hadn't even thought about one until reading your blog! HA!!!

    2nd Grade Pad

  3. a donut sounds so good... but even when I think about bad food my booty gets bigger!!!
    thanks for linking up and you know what... sometimes I HATE math too!!!

  4. I found your blog from Farley's Currently link and I'm glad I did! I am your newest follower!

    Mindful Rambles

  5. I absolutely LOVE quiet mornings with a coffee too. Your blog is super cute, by the way! :)


  6. WOW! Thank you all for your visits today! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Now I'm craving Hot Krispie Kreme donuts!! I also love listening to Christian Contemporary music--Casting Crowns is my favorite!

  8. You have such an adorable blog! I can't remember the last time I had a doughnut! :) I'm a big music fan myself.

