Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Reading Olympians Blog Hop

Get Ready for Bloggy Olympics!!!

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Join The 3AM Teacher, the Reading Olympians, and over 80 SUPREME education bloggers as we take you through a tour of the Reading Olympians Root Study Program!!

I was so excited to try out this program in my 2nd grade classroom. 
Here is a quick look at some of our activities. 

We used the section called Jr. Poseidon. I chose this section because it contained exactly what we were supposed to be covering that week in phonics. Worked out great for us! 
It included the roots 
less, ful, graph, auto and tri.

We started out by viewing the included booklet "Making Words."
Rather than make copies of the book, I pulled it up on my computer and showed it to them on the big screen. The booklet was a great review of prefixes and suffixes and how to make words with each. I loved the puzzle pieces which are an excellent visual for students.

After reviewing the booklet, I divided the kids up into 5 small groups. I gave each group the root that would be their focus. I told them that they would be in charge of learning all about it and then teaching the rest of the class. 
(You know they love doing our jobs. LOL) 

Next, I gave out the chants (we called them raps, because who doesn't want to be a rapper?) and had them glue it on the back of their card. So they had their root on one side and their rap on the back.)

As they were practicing, I overheard a few of them already talking about words they knew that contained their root.

The next step was the journal & journal pages. 

(This journal is just a simple 3-pronged folder with the cover glued on and pages inserted.)
I had them complete the definition section and then go looking for words around our room that contained their root. They looked on all of our walls, asked their friends, and dug through dictionaries.  
They were very engaged and so excited when they came up with a new word to add to their word list. As they finished, I had them choose one of their words to illustrate on their journal page. The journal pages were then  added to the journals. 

Our next activity was making a graphic organizer. They each illustrated a small word card. Each picture was glued on chart paper under the correct root. (Wish I had made them label these with the words. Next time, right?) The organizer makes a super reference to hang in the room.
There is a worksheet included in the packet and I had them complete the worksheet to see how they were doing so far. I was thrilled to see that 16 out of my 17 kids scored at 100%.

And then, on to their favorite part.... each group took turns sharing their root, its definition, words from their lists, picture cards and last but not least, THE RAP! They thought this was the COOLEST!
They were great, attempting to use their best rapper imitations and keep the beat. Hilarious!

I had my students complete the quiz at the end of the study and I was happy to see that almost every child made 100%. 

I think Reading Olympians is a great packet. My kids were very engaged. They loved the activities, teaching each other, and especially the rapping! 

Hope you will check it out.
Teachers clipart

Discover the program IN ACTION in more K-6th grade classrooms as you Pass the Torch!! Get ideas, discover the progression of the program, and enter the Raffle for a chance to win ONE of the three prizes listed below!!

First Place Winner : Gold Medal

  Prizes: Complete Reading Olympians Program
            $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
            50% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Second Place Winner: Silver Medal

   Prizes: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
              40% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Third Place Winner: Bronze Medal

    Prizes: 30% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Pass the Torch!!!
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