Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Honoring those who Served

Looking ahead to Memorial Day......
Just another day off? or really a day of honoring and remembering?

I know I'm guilty of being thankful for an extra day off and not truly being thankful for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Not that I wasn't thankful, it's just that I didn't really spend a lot of thought on it. I hope this year will be different for all of us. I pray that we all take the time to be thankful for all those who serve and especially for those who have served in the past and never came home. 

One way that we honored our soldiers last year was by doing a WALL OF HONOR.
Our kids and even staff members brought in pictures of their loved ones who had served and added them to our board. They attached names and dates, places and branches of service.

This activity stirred up the sweetest conversations, not only among our kids who met relatives they had never even known about, but also among our staff who hung pictures of their parents and sons and daughters.
The love and pride was overwhelming!
Our school year is over on Friday, so we will not be able to do the board for Memorial Day this year.
We are planning to do it for Veteran's Day so the end of the year will not be an issue.

If you are still in school for a while, maybe it's something you could put together.

And if you need a little something to do, I've put together a word building FREEBIE.
Just click on the picture to head to my store and pick it up. 
The fabulous art is done by Mel at Graphics From the Pond.
Hope you enjoy it.
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Freebie Fridays

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing :)
