Monday, June 17, 2013



I hope you all had a great day with the special men in your life yesterday.

We spent the day at church, then out to eat at one of our favorite seafood restaurants
and finally home for the weekly Sunday afternoon nap!

We got my husband a new yard trimmer with all the attachments LOL!!
Not a very personal gift, but it will make his life easier in our yard.
(and he did pick it out)

In other news,
did any of you make it over to my facebook page yesterday?
Some of my closest blogger friends and I have a 
FUN Freebie Hop going on that you do not want to miss!

If not, click here and head over for the fun.
It will only be up until Tuesday night.
And finally, It's Memory Verse Monday.
The packet this week is Matthew 5:16.
It has word cards, an unscramble the verse page and a blank writing sheet.
Click here to grab your copy.
Now, get our there and enjoy your Monday!

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