Saturday, June 1, 2013

Welcome to my World

Well, we're all finished and home for the summer. 
I hope you are too, or at least getting close to a well-deserved break.
I got my room crammed into every available hiding space packed and organized so I could pick up my final checks and decided to go ahead and take pictures.

Does anyone else out there have a WEIRD room??
Our school is so old and the design (a good thought 75 years ago) is just odd.

Our main building (which used to be the entire school) is semi-round.
We have an open library in the middle (which was the coolest when I was a student here) and the classrooms are all around it. Now all of you math gurus know what happened to the shape of our classrooms since we started from a circle and fanned out.
Yep, the rooms are shaped like pieces of pie.

Pie is GREAT for eating, but NOT great for designing.
Not to mention, technology when the school was built consisted of one old reel-to-reel that was on a cart and shared with the whole school. So another challenge, very few plugs. And as Murphy would have it, they are not located in useful spots. 

Anyway, I wanted you to see the challenge I have ahead of me.

I'm thinking about a new theme:)
I've already started on a few things that I'll share later.

Anyone else out there barely out of school but already thinking about school?


  1. Your school sounds similar to mine, but I think ours is around 50 years old. We have our cafeteria room in the middle & the rooms come off from that (mine's kind of pie shaped too). We were modernized about 5-6 years ago so I do have good internet, etc. I just wish my room were larger and most of all had MORE storage!!! I did a pirate theme last year & have decided to reuse it this year since we had to take every little thing off the walls for summer this year- YUCK! I am also going to be gone on a mission trip for 3 weeks this summer. I think a lot of of the owl stuff out there is adorable- that may be my theme the year after next.

  2. I understand about the storage too. When I moved into this room, we had to buy a shed for the back yard LOL! I have seen the CUTEST owl stuff this spring. Where are you going on your mission trip?

  3. I am not out yet but I am thinking of a new arrangement. I am hoping to have hubby build a science table with a grow light this summer.

  4. Cecilia, that sounds very cool. Would love to see pictures when it's finished:)
