Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hot Off the Press!!


I'm so EXCITED to finally be able to shout the news!
22 AMAZING teacher-bloggers are celebrating back to school in a BIG way!

I know some of us (me) are dragging our feet, but it's time to start thinking about getting back to it.

We decided to give you feet-draggers (and others) some FUN.

For the next 10 days, we are celebrating with FREEBIES and a prize a day.
Yep, that's a PRIZE A DAY for 10 days.
Every day you will have the chance to enter & win 1 of 10 great prizes.
Did you check out that list?!

you will need to visit the FINAL STOP blog to enter to win & to see if you won.

Each day a winner will be drawn & 1 of 10 prizes will be awarded.

To keep it FUN & EXCITING, we are not telling which prize you have entered to win.
The prize will be announced along with the winner's name.
You never know when that tablet will be given away:)

So, how do you win??? I'm glad you asked.
Follow these steps.......

1. Download & print the HOT OFF THE PRESS cheat sheet.
(Click the image below.)

2. Collect your FREEBIES.
Yes, the hop also comes with freebies. Hop to all 20 blogs and collect all of the freebies.
You can start on any of our blogs, 
just make sure you follow the NEXT STOP buttons & visit all 20.

3. Hidden in each freebie is a QR code, which looks like this.
(NOTE: This is a sample image. You do not need it for any reason.)
Find the QR code & scan it with your smart device. 
You will be given an amount.
Record each amount on your cheat sheet.

4. When you have collected all 20 cash amounts, add them up.
This will be the amount you need to enter into the Rafflecopter each day for your chance to win.

All prizes will be posted on  The Teaching Tribune blog.

Well, it's time to get started. 
Here is my FREEBIE. Click it & start collecting.

Then head over to your next stop.
Good luck!

For those of you who do not have a smart device, head over to Sugar & Spice.
She has a solution for you.

1 comment:

  1. Love your quote on your work by Francis Chan. Nice work. Thank you!!
