Monday, August 26, 2013

Do not lose heart!

Therefore we do not lose heart.
 Though outwardly we are wasting away,
yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16
I don't know about you, but I soooooo needed this verse this week!

We just finished our 2nd week of school, & I don't feel as though I've taught A THING!!

We were welcomed back to school with a brand new list of YOU WILL DO's.
1. You will meet with EVERY student EVERY day for small group reading instruction.
2. You will meet with EVERY student EVERY day for small group math instruction.
(notice the instruction word)

So after the "law" came down, we have all been running around,
what does that look like?
how to I fit it all in? 
(especially since you also cut 15 minutes out of our day),
what should my centers look like?
is this ok?
is that ok?

Most of us have basically thrown away everything we were doing
& started brand new plans, trying to match what "they" wanted us to do.

Anyway, I am not opposed to change, I'm willing to let you show me that you know better than I do. So I've been trying to line my classroom up with their way of thinking for 2 weeks.

I'll tell you now, that it has been a bit chaotic.

It took me 2 weeks to realize that most of what they want me to do,
I've already been doing.
So, after 2 weeks of running in circles and not really getting anything done,
I'm going back to my plan.

The only difference is that I will be meeting with every kid every day (twice a day).

In the midst of all of that scrambling, I needed someone to say to me,

And after hearing it for myself, I'm passing it on to you.....
To all of you great teachers out there,
I know we get beat up all the time,
and have people breathing down our necks,
telling us how to do a job that they haven't done in MANY years (if ever).
Do your thing!
Love on those kids & do what you know works!
We've got this!!
Click on the cards to get your Memory Verse Packet for this week.
Go make it a great one!


  1. Great advice and very timely! :) That's a really big requirement-I've set that goal of meeting with everyone for myself before and couldn't do it. Just too many kids and not enough time. My hats off to you for "making it work" as Tim Gunn would say. :)


  2. Thanks for the freebie and the pep talk. Great verse to remember. I usually pass it along to my 3/4 friend;)
