Saturday, August 3, 2013

Go Pirates! part 2

We are officially back to work!
We have 5 days of pre-planning before our students come on August 8th.

5 days or 10 days, it never seems to be enough,
and I usually head into panic mode thinking there is no way it will all get done.
I'm sure you know the feeling.

Well here is part 2 of what I've been working on.
I posted these already (they are going to be my book buckets for the Daily 5),
but I added baseball name labels to them.
I added magnets to our daily schedule and posted it in on our white board.
(I forgot to make a writing card arrrg!)
This is going to be our class wide compliment system.
They will earn one letter at a time until they spell out the word
(sorry about the flash)
This is on the front door of our classroom.
It is for my wish list,
all those things that we need but are not allowed to require.
I laminated the poster and will add post-its for the parents to take with them.
Classroom rules....
and a very small welcome board with all the kid's names on it.

The last thing I have is a freebie if you want it.
I love this quote with our sports theme.
I plan to print and frame it.
The artwork is by......
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this theme! Do you have these items for sale?

    1. Thank you Cheryl! I have many items for my sports theme for sale in my store. If you come across anything that you want and can't find, please email me.
