Monday, September 2, 2013

September Currently & MVM

What? September 1st???
I need an August do-over.
Ok, really I don't want to do it over again, 
but I have stuff that needed to get done but didn't.

I know, spilled milk.....

You know what the 1st of the month means,
we are linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.

Listening to 80s music LOL Some of my friends joined an 80s Facebook group (so I had to) and they post songs all the time. It is such a trip down Memory Lane, that I can't scroll past most of them without stopping to listen:)

Loving doing Just Dance! on the Wii with my Pirate Girl.
She is 12 and loves to dance just like her Mama. It makes her mad when I beat her:)

Thinking how thankful I am for Labor Day.
 I am sooooo needing a day off. Amen????

Wanting my school schedule to get settled.
We have had so many new changes at our school this year that we just can't get it worked out yet. Many of the changes are good, but it is very different than what we are used to.
Maybe by October. Ha!

Needing to clean this house. I'm sorry, but back to school time is also house neglect time.
 (Maybe I'll get to that by October too.)

And the last thing is to get more organized at school so I can bring less work home. I know, I know famous last words. But I really am making it a goal (and I'm getting a students teacher).

I'm so glad you stopped by.
Be sure to head over to Farley's blog and read up on your favorite bloggers
 or to add a Currently of your own.

But, before you leave, don't forget that it's
Memory Verse Monday.
Your packet this week is John 13:13.
Click on the picture to grab your copy.
Happy Monday!


  1. I love 80s music also! I am so excited to be back to school Tuesday, though I am still not sure my schedule/assignment yet!!!

    Have a great long weekend!

  2. I love 80's music! On the way to the beach this weekend the hubby and I jammed to Old School New Edition all the Johnny....just Bobby! I need to make my planning period more productive so that I don't have to being so much work home as well.

    Enjoy your holiday and have a great week!

    Surviving Sixth Grade
