Monday, December 30, 2013

World's Worst Blogger Part 2

Yep, I know it's hard to believe but I'm back again after an extended absence:) 
I offer no excuses this time lol

I hope you've all had a restful and peaceful break and have enjoyed time with those you love the most. 
 Here at the beach our break started out at a beautiful 80 degrees.
So we've loved our time off.
I'm hoping that most of you are looking forward to at least one more week off from school and are also looking forward to the new year. I have some exciting new changes coming in 2014, so I am definitely looking forward to them.

Some of my best blogger friends and I are kicking the new year off for you with something special that we'll tell you about tomorrow. So be sure to check back here tomorrow,
I really will show up:)

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