Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Linking up again this week for Wordless Wednesday.

This is a picture of most of my FAVORITE teacher buddies :)
We get together outside of school as often as possible.

This past month it was for pedicures.

So what about you?
Do you get together with colleagues outside of school?
What kinds of things do you do for fun?

Would love to hear from you!


  1. We like to have adult time and it doesn't involve Pepsi products! :)
    Teaching Ever After

  2. We don't...:( My teaching partner & I have been together for 17 years! We have "grown up" together. We share life @ school & I know I can call her for ANYTHING! My other colleagues prefer to keep things at school. Not a "social" group...but it's OK. Wendy 1stgradefireworks

  3. We used to do it a LOT but now it is infrequent but lots of fun when we do. The last "out of school" social activity was a trip to Cleveland to see the play "Wicked" and have lunch. Great fun even if we did have to driver home in a snowstorm. Go figure...

  4. Every Wednesday, we go play trviia!!

    First Grade Nest

    1. If I could spell trivia right..... that might help us win. :-)

  5. Nope, not my choice, but my teacher colleagues are just that, colleagues. It wasn't that way when I taught elementary school though. I actually still get together weekly in the summer with the teachers I used to teach with.

    Hodges Herald

  6. Not lately. It seems everyone, including myself, is very busy with their families and extracurriculars, although we all say we would like to. I hope that will change someday.

    Creative Lesson Cafe

  7. Yes! :) Every few weeks a few of us hang out outside of school. It's so nice to know your co-workers as friends, too! :) Thanks for linking up!

    Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice
