Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wordless Wednesday....

This is my last Wednesday off
(yes, I'm whining), so here is a Wordless Wednesday for you....
The sight of this just makes me tired.

Anyone else changing rooms and feeling my pain this year?


  1. I moved my room last year and it is exhausting! Here's a thought: I ran into a retired teacher yesterday that was at my school helping her daughter hang curtains. She said, "I always loved this time of year because it was so exciting to get a fresh start and make everything look nice!" I thought that was a profound and positive way to look at it! Have fun moving!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  2. Aw, Merinda, I feel sort of sorry for you about school starting. But I do seem to remember back in May. . . when I still had 4 weeks left . . .
    I have the opportunity to move to the "cool side" of our building (and I'm not kidding; that side is 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the side I'm on) but the thought of moving my whole classroom just stops me in my tracks.
    You will make it beautiful and inviting for your kiddos, though, 'cause that's just what teachers do.

  3. Yes, changed buildings last year and now this changing rooms AND grade levels.....exhausting (no I'm not whining, I know there are a lot of teachers out there looking for jobs)./
