Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Look Back at Our Beginning

Who else forgets how bad the 1st week of school is????
I spent most nights last week feeling like a train wreck.
But, now that the first week is done, I'm hoping we can start settling into some of our routines.

In case you missed the news, I had to change rooms again this year.
Although I LOVE my new room, it was a nightmare to move.

My plan was to change my theme this year.
I had already started pinning some of the CUTEST things.
But, the move got in the way.
So right back to SPORTY PIRATES we went.

Here are a few pictures in case you missed them.
Our kids started back to school last Wednesday. 
So even though it was a short week, it felt like a month.
We spent a lot of our time going over classroom procedures, 
starting our STAR Reading Assessments 
and some fun "getting to know our teammates" activities.

I found the GREATEST packet at TpT by 
It's Called.....Welcome to the Team,
sports themed first week of school activities.

It was FULL of super sports ideas for meeting our new classmates.

If you are doing a sports theme this year, it is a MUST have.
Go give her some love.

Be sure to head over to 
to check out some other looking back posts.

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