Saturday, August 16, 2014

Our First Full Week

It feels good to have our first full week behind us.
Y'all I have the SWEETEST class!!

After only being in school for 5 days, we had Open House!
What?! Why?!
I have no idea.....but you do what you have to do.
My pirate girl helping me get ready:)
Since we had just had Meet and Greet a few days earlier,
there was really nothing else to show them.

Attendance was TERRIBLE.
I'm sure they were wondering why they needed to turn around and come right back to school after having just met me.'s done.

The rest of our week was spent settling into routines and finishing up beginning of the year testing (STAR READING and STAR MATH).

Hoping that this week we can get down to teaching and learning:)

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