Saturday, January 16, 2016

Scripture Sailing and a New Job

I know it's been a while but I'm back at it.

I've been gone for so long that I haven't reported in that I have news:) 

In December I left my teaching job after 23 years.
Two weeks later, I started teaching 3rd grade 
at a private Christian school.

I could NOT be more THRILLED!!!!

I have spent years making Biblical resources that I have never been able to use.
Well, now I can!!!

My new job also makes this scripture sailing thing really helpful to me!

I am doing a "Verse of the Week"
in my classroom.

I simply added a decorated sheet to a picture frame.
Every Monday I write the new verse on the frame with a dry erase marker.

The kids and I practice it every day.
They like making up motions for each part of the verse to help them memorize it.

On Friday, they all try to quote the verse from memory.

I love that they are memorizing scripture.

This coming week our verse will be
Deuteronomy 6:5.
I'm so excited about using the word cards from this packet
during our Word Work Station.
I made the cards to send home for practice.
And coloring/drawing sheets just for fun and it they choose to do them.
Click on any of the pictures to grab your FREE packet.


  1. Congratulations!!! I teach a combination 3rd/4th grade in a Christian school. LOVE IT :0) Hope your new job goes great!!

  2. Congrats! I spent the last 5 years of my teaching career at a Christian school and loved it! It was my "dream" job for many reasons, but being able to pray all day long and read and quote scripture was a highlight. I wish you a blessed year! Lauren
