Monday, May 21, 2018

Ready to Enlist?

I might be telling my age....
but when I was a kid I LOVED the song,
I'm in The Lord's Army!

Did you learn that song?
Do your littles know it?
It's an oldie, but it's still good.
(Click the pic to listen - YouTube link.)

Several years ago I wanted to do something with the song,
& God took it & turned it into a whole military-themed unit.

since Memorial Day is coming up,
I thought you might like a craft/bulletin board activity.

It's part of my Lord's Army packet,
but you can get the pattern FREE right here.
(Click on any of the pictures to grab a pattern.)

I use the paper pattern to make a sturdy pattern on 
card stock so that it's easier to trace multiple copies
without the pattern going to shreds.
(A crafty parent told me to use empty cereal boxes.)

I also label the pattern pieces with the part name
and the suggested color.
(One year we found camo wrapping paper
and those were very cool.)
That helps students when they are tracing their own pieces.
Cut them out...
I never cut out pieces for my students unless
they are very tiny pieces.
My goal is not a perfect product that looks exactly like mine.
With them cutting, it usually means that
their final products have a LOT of character :) 
They could be assembled and glued onto 
construction paper (and then add a background)
or they could just assemble the character.
Finish up with whatever details they choose
(faces, scraps for camo, boot laces, etc.)

These make a great bulletin board.

If you're interested,
here is a preview of the entire unit.
Don't forget the click any of the pictures above
to grab your FREE craft pattern.


  1. Okay, confession time! That song played in my head the entire time I was reading your blog post! haha... In all of my years of teaching, not once did I ever think to use a cereal box for a template. Such a smart idea! Love this craft idea. It would be so good to use at Vacation Bible School. Thanks for the great blog post!

  2. Love the cereal box idea!! It's genius. I'm definitely going to try it out the next time I do a craft in my classroom. Thank you so much for the helpful post.

  3. I am going to use this with my granddaughter! She will love it. Thank you!


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