Saturday, December 18, 2021

FREEBIE FRIDAY: Follow the Star

We've just wrapped up the last week of school
and are now on Christmas break :)
But I wanted to share our last week's lesson with you.

Since there were 3 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we broke the Christmas story into 3 sessions. For the most part we used my Christmas Devotions Weekly packet (I'll add the link below).

 The breakdown looked like...
week 1 - The Angel Visits Mary and Joseph
week 2 - Jesus was Born, The Angels Visited the Shepherds
week 3 - The Wise Men

Like everyone else's, our kids were so wild antsy that I knew I wanted an activity for the last week to be one where they could be up and moving (cue, Follow the Star).

I printed out several stars, 
numbered some and left others blank.
I mapped out a trail around the school.
I taped up the numbered stars (I used 4) in locations where I wanted them to stop and the blank stars just to keep them on the right trail. I added sticky notes to the backs of the numbered stars so I would know what to say and read at each star.

It looked something like this.....
Star 1 - Was "found" in my Bible. On the back I wrote, 
"Bring a Bible and follow the star."
We walked until we found 
Star 2 - "Open your Bible and read Matthew 2:1-2"
(After reading the verses at each stop, we discussed them.)
After these verses I told them the next star was located in
"Jerusalem and we needed to find King Herod".
Star 3 - "Welcome to Jerusalem. Read Matthew 2:3-9a"
We discussed and then I told them our next stop was in "Bethlehem."
Star 4 - "Welcome to Bethlehem. Read Matthew 2:9b-12"
After discussion, we went "home" (back to the classroom) by a different route.

We had so much fun.
This was an easy activity to put together
and it proved to be such a meaningful time spent with my students.
The FREEBIE this week is a copy of the star I used.
Click on the picture to grab your copy and get started.

(Here's the link to my Christmas Devotions Weekly packet.)

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