Friday, June 28, 2013

Going Out of Business!

Ok, I do hate it that some person is having to close their shop, 
but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE getting the deals when they do. 
I've been working on a new theme for next year and I wasn't going to announce it yet,
the One-Stop Party place is closing down and they have everything 75% off.
I got such a great deal on some things that I wanted for my room,
that I can't wait to show them. So, here they are....
We are going SPORTY!!!! 
(Love theses!!)
And then off to the Dollar Tree where I found these bases
 and cool football games.
Can't wait to work these into some literacy and math games.

I didn't want to stray too far away from our Pirates this year,
but I felt like we needed something fresh added to it.
That's why we are going with Sports.

Our small town (once inhabited by pirates) is all about pirates.
So, almost all of our sports teams are Pirates.
I thought this would be an easy way to combine both.

I'm working on some new items to match my new theme and will share them as I get them made.
In the meantime, here are some templates that I've been working on.
If you want them, just click on any of pics to pick up the PDF copies.
(This is one of my new FAVORITE borders!!
It's from Wendy at Teacher's Toolkit.
Be sure to check out her great stuff.
She is having a sale this week.)
Would love to hear your sports ideas or about what theme you are thinking about for next year.
Freebie Fridays


  1. Your room will be soooooo cute this coming year! The boys will especially love it! Thanks for sharing your sports themed papers. I'll put them to good use.

  2. Cool theme! Oh how I love those paper lanterns!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your room all done up!

    Mrs. Mathis’ Homeroom

  3. I hope it all comes out ok. I'll be posting pictures as soon as I get it together. Glad you could use the papers.

  4. Merinda,
    Your room is going to be so cute and so much fun!! Your kiddos are just going to love it! Thank you so much for linking up with Room Theme Mania and sharing your talents!
