Saturday, June 29, 2013

July Currently

I know it's not July, but we are getting close!
So, I'm linking up with Farley to bring you my Currently for July.
Listening: I've been typing and keep looking up at them to see if they will realize it and just turn down the TV (nope, never did). LOVE THEM ANYWAY!!

Loving: My new Pirate Girl custom made for me by The Library Fox.
I LOVE it!!!! They are now available on TpT. You just send her a picture of you and fill out a simple questionnaire and then POOF it's you.
Thinking: about another birthday coming this month. I don't like how the number keeps climbing but right now it beats the alternative:) Seriously, thankful for another year!!

Wanting: needs no further explanation:) except maybe strawberry, cookies and cream......

Needing: to go to Publix (to get the ice cream) and some other stuff.

Tips, ticks, and hints: find you some great bloggy buddies. Everyone needs a good support system and there are some SUPER people out there in cyber-world.

Be sure to head over to Farley's blog and see what everyone else is up to this month.


  1. I LOVE your new pirate girl! She looks great on your blog!
    Teacher Gone Digital

  2. Happy Birthday, Merinda! Mine is in three days. I agree about the number climbing, but I'm thankful for all I have! I found you at Farley's linky - I'm your newest follower!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

    p.s. I love your pirate girl, too!

  3. Your blog is precious. I found you via the linky and I am immidiately loading you into bloglovin. Your mini-me is too cute. I have one from Library Fox as well, she does a fabulous job. :) It's nice to meet ya! :)
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. loven your new digi pirate girl... super cute... I might have to go and get me one!!! thanks for linking up

  5. Very cool Pirate Girl! And I am ALWAYS wanting ice cream. In fact, the hubs and I just came back from the local fro-yo hot spot. Yum, yum! I hope you have an awesome birthday!

  6. Thank you all for stopping by!!

  7. Oh Good Golly, that pirate girl is SO CUTE! In fact, your whole blog is adorable!
    I could eat ice cream morning, noon, and night. ESPECIALLY in summer. It's such a happy food!
    Happy almost-birthday, Merinda!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  8. Happy birthday, Merinda. Mine is coming up on July 7. I certainly don't FEEL my age! :) Love the Pirate Girl! Enjoy the rest of your summer.

